Constantin Brancusi, ‘Colonne sans fin,’ 1937-38
Tal Streeter, ‘Endless Column’, 1968
Glenn Ligon, ‘Endless Column-Nu Nile (Yellow)’, 1985
Guillaume Paris,’ Endless Love’, 1991
Richard Pettibone, ‘Column of Infinity’, 2000
Gérard Collin-Thiébaut, ‘Marcel Brancusi, démultiple Marcel’, 1987
Pravdoliub Ivanov, ‘Monument to the Unknown Washerwoman’, 2005
Derek Sullivan, ‘Amnesiac’, 2005
Subodh Gupta, ‘A Giant Leap of Faith’, 2006
Kristof Kintera, ‘Do it yourself (after Brancusi)’, 2007
Brad Downe, ‘Ashtray Column’, 2007
Dominique Toutant, ‘Brancusi St-Hubert’, 2008
Kader Attia, ‘La colonne sans fin,’ 2008
Rainier Lericolais, ‘Suspension’, 2010
Susana Reisman, ‘Endless Column (after Constantin Brancusi)’, 2010
Lance Wakeling, ‘Infinite Column TV’, 2011
Adam Pendleton, ‘I smashed my sickening face’, 2012
Josephine Meckseper, ‘Las Meninas (2Xist),’ 2013
Angela Bulloch, ‘Heavy Metal Stack of Six: Red, Choc & Blue,’ 2016
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