Richard Hamilton, ‘Just what is it that makes today’s homes so different, so appealing?’, 1956

Thomas Ruff, Plakat VIII, 1998, chromogenic print., 258.1 x 184.5 cm
Thomas Ruff, ‘Plakat VIII’, 1998

Jans Muskee (b1961), ‘Just what is it that makes today’s homes so different, so appealing?,’ 2015, 200 x 300 cm, oilpastel on paper
Jans Muskee, ‘Just what is it that makes today’s homes so different, so appealing?,’ 2015

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Jasper Johns, ‘Canvas,’ 1956

Edward Kienholz, ‘Art For Art's Sake’, 1959
Edward Kienholz, ‘Art For Art’s Sake’, 1959

Giulio Paolini, ‘Senza Titolo’, 1961

Ben Vautier, ‘Toile Retournée’, 1962

Claude Rutault, ‘Pile 1′, 1984

Marek Kvetan, ‘Blind system’, 2007

Swantje Hielscher, ‘Antinomie’, 2009

John Cornu, ‘Macula,’ 2009, bois, acrylique
John Cornu, ‘Macula,’ 2009

Adam McEwen, Medium Stretcher, 2011, graphite, 101.6 x 76.2 x 2.54 cm
Adam McEwen, ‘Medium Stretcher’, 2011

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Francis Bacon, ‘Study For Portrait II’, 1956

Olav Westphalen, ‘Pope - 9,404.18 $ Per Square Inch (After Francis Bacon, “Study For Portrait II”, 1956)’, 2007

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