Gustave Courbet, ‘Le sommeil,’ 1866

Robert Rauschenberg (1925-2008), ‘All Abordello Doze 4 (Japanese Recreational Clayworks),’ 1983, photographic transfer on high fired ceramic, in three parts, 134.9 x 188.5 cm
Robert Rauschenberg, ‘All Abordello Doze 4 (Japanese Recreational Clayworks),’ 1983

David Hamilton, ‘Premiers désir’s, 1984

Kendall Geers, ‘After laziness and sensuality’, 1992, photographic collage with enamel paint and found object (axe), 53.00 x 80.00 cm
Kendall Geers, ‘After laziness and sensuality’, 1992

Mario Sorrenti, Yves Saint Laurent Rive Gauche, 1998

Wang Qingsong, ‘China Mansion’, 2003

Mary Ellen Strom, ‘Nude No. 5’, Eleanor Dubinsky and Melanie Maar, 2004

Isabel Samaras, ‘The Friends’

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