Charlotte Moth, ‘Behind every surface there is a mystery, a hand that might emerge…’, 2009

LG Williams, (Don’t Panic Yet!) That’s A Nightmare Or Perhaps Not — Or, Excuse Me! Excuse Me! Please Excuse Me! What’s That?, 2010, 711 x 117, curtain on wall (LG Williams and The Estate of LG Williams)
LG Williams, ‘(Don’t Panic Yet!) That’s A Nightmare Or Perhaps Not — Or, Excuse Me! Excuse Me! Please Excuse Me! What’s That?’, 2010

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Stanley Brouwn, ‘This Way Brouwn’, 1960

LG Williams, Road Less Traveled 3, 2004, 60 x 40, vinyl and engineer grade reflective sheeting on heavy-duty aluminum (LG Williams and The Estate of LG Williams)
LG Williams, ‘Road Less Traveled 3′, 2004

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